Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun!

It's funny - I have a book about babies that includes chapters about every age and what it's like. The four-month chapter started out talking about how four months is the "magic age" where babies are smiling and interacting but still staying where you put them. And it was true - that fourth month was great!

But then the fifth-month chapter starts out by saying, basically, you ain't seen nothing yet. You thought last month was fun? Well, now you're in for a treat.

And boy, we're they right. Because now? Now we have laughing. And not just occasional random maybe-about-to-cry laughing, but real sense-of-humor laughing. And these little personalities are just coming out all over the place.

Steven, our little Mr. Drama from day 1, is all extremes. You get him happy, and he'll sit there and laugh with you till your sides hurt.

In fact, right now he's sitting on my lap helping me type this at 10pm, because he decided, an hour after we put him to bed, that he'd rather play. So he screamed and yelled till we got him, and then was immediately all smiles and giggles.

Eleanor is more reserved - it takes more to make her smile, but when she does, it absolutely lights up the room. She bestows a laugh like a gift, and it's really something to treasure. You'll do anything in the world to keep it going.

People always tell me, "It gets better." And it's usually in a pitying/sympathetic tone of voice, and usually accompanies, "You really have your hands full." But one dad at a neighboring table at a restaurant said it best: "Every day is even better than the last." So far, he's right. And I hope my kids reply as his daughter, about 7, did: "Da-a-ad, you always say that."

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