Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I've had a post started for something like 2 weeks now, and finally decided to let it sit and move on to something else.

I can't really think of much else to say, though - things are going well, we're hitting our stride in terms of routine (which includes a Baby Witching Hour mid-morning, where everybody gets a little crazy, but I can usually head that off with a car trip somewhere), they're both getting more and more smiley and social (to a point - Steven can be shy in crowds), and we're learning who prefers which toys. Eleanor likes the play mat, where she's getting better and better at grabbing the toys over her head, and Steven loves the exerciser/jumper thing. He's way too small to actually jump - his feet are a good 6 inches off the ground even at the lowest setting and he can't reach the toys yet - but it's deep enough that he gets enough support to be able to sit up and look around. He loves it when I set it up facing the window, so he can watch what's going on in the back yard, and I got my first almost-laugh out of him the first time I made it bounce.

A little roundup of my favorite pictures lately:

Love that lone sock!

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